Monday, 9 November 2009

Breakspear Medical Group

I have a lot of gathered information and personal experiences of treatments (mainly seen as 'alternative' medicine) from this last year, which I wish to share and will do over the coming months.  Firstly though, shortly before creating this blog I found a new potential avenue, and have an initial consultation in a weeks time.  A hospital in outer London called the 'Breakspear Medical Group'.  It seems to be the only hospital in the country (UK) that offers potential treatments for ME/CFS from a medical view point.  I must state the 'Breakspear' is not an NHS hospital, nor is it a common private one, like examples such as 'Spire or Nuffield'.  The only other treatments through hospitals I have found, are that of 'Graded Excersise Therapy' (GET) and 'Cognative Behavioural Therapy' (CBT).  These, although essential to the overall package for treatment, are therapy's and do not  solve the underlying problems.  One general physician I saw was shocked that my GP did not even advice me to try these, however the details about this will be discussed in greater depth another time.  As you can probably tell, I have been an individual who has not sat down and accepted the natural path of my ME/CFS.  I strongly believe if I had done nothing I would still be where I was a year ago.  I will endeavor to find all possible treatment options available and hopefully create a complete reference and experience list for others.  I will post my findings about this hospital shortly.


  1. Great idea to start this. Hopefully it will help you and lots of others :.)

  2. Great to hear someone else is looking into treatment at this hospital aswell. I am in the process of considering treatment and would be very interested to hear how you get on. : Best of Luck Kimberley
